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On the Trail of Giants. The Art of Running in the High Lands
TRAILCAT strengthens its bond with the TORX® EXPERIENCE
TOR330 – TOR DES GÉANTS®: The dream for future giants begins
One month to the start of la Misión
“We run with you” – The Documentary Behind the Scenes of TORX® Races
THE TORX® Academy is open again
The 2025 TORX® with KAILAS Season Kicks Off
CERISM’s studies on participants in the Tor Des Glaciers continue
Consequences of an extreme ultra trail on pulmonary function
Impact of extreme ultra-marathon on red blood cells
Tor des Glaciers 2023, inside
The Cryotherapy
Registrations sold out for GTC100
Myths and realities of micro-sleeps
Sustainability: a central theme at TORX 2023
TORX® 2023 a record-breaking edition
TORX 2023, a new journey is about to begin
The sport paradox: body or mind?
Garmin certifies the TOR330 track
TOR… and adore
Ultra battery life for ultra distances
A Friendship Between Giants
Javier Martin Losada at the Gran Trail Courmayeur
Salewa Olympus Mythical Trail 2023 celebrates Antoine Guillon
Gran Trail Courmayeur 2023: the Italians win big
The game changer of mountain running
That tight knot…
Thomas Gibot: Finisher of Tor des Géants
Ultra Distance
Tor des Géants as a graphic novel: interview with Doug Mayer
The Women of Tor des Glaciers
When GPS was not yet known, we were already on the wrist
That time I fell and amazingly got back up
The runners band
TORX sickness
Are they pushing the limits?
Tor des Géants, first edition
TORX Mag is born
TOR & Science
Tales of TORX
TORX with Kailas, a New Premier Partnership Agreement with the Chinese Brand has been Signed

© 2009-2024 by VDA Trailers SSDrl

Any dissemination for commercial purposes of photographic or video images captured during the event, via any means (internet, social networks, TV, press, magazines, etc.), without written authorisation from the organisation is prohibited. GTC®, GTC100™, GTC55™, GTC30™, TORX®, TOR®, Tor des Géants®, Tor des Glaciers™, Passage au Malatrà™, Tot Dret™, TOR450™, TOR330™, TOR130™, TOR100™ and TOR30™ are trademarks owned or used exclusively by VDA Trailers. Any communication of the event or use of images of it must be done in observance of the name of the event and registered trademarks, subject to agreement by the organisation.

Valle d’Aosta Trailers SSDrl | Via Roma, 98 | 11013 Courmayeur | CF/P.IVA 01139360075 | Nr. Iscr. Reg. Imprese AOSTA AO-70629

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