TORX Mag is born


March, 2023



A new magazine dedicated to trail running.


A new adventure begins today, a challenging but stimulating challenge that will take us deep into the world of TORX, TORX eXperience and trail running in general. TORX Mag is born, an online container of stories, tales and interviews dedicated to the toughest and most exciting endurance trail races in the world, discovering unique experiences capable of testing us and connecting us with nature in a profound way.

TORX Mag will be a place where you can find the latest news in science and technology, from the physical and mental preparation of athletes to environmental sustainability, through waste sorting and the study of technical race materials, but also insights into social projects: all themes that are making trail running an increasingly responsible sport attentive to the needs of people and our planet.

Finally, there will be race stories told through the eyes of the protagonists: an intimate and personal point of view that will allow a community of enthusiasts ready to live every challenge with maximum intensity to come together.

A space where all lovers of adventure and sport can share their common passion for mountains and wild nature, as well as that healthy dose of madness mixed with courage that drives them to overcome their limits to cultivate a dream.

Are you ready to start with us on this new and exciting journey?

On the Trail of Giants. The Art of Running in the High Lands
TRAILCAT strengthens its bond with the TORX® EXPERIENCE
TOR330 – TOR DES GÉANTS®: The dream for future giants begins

© 2009-2024 by VDA Trailers SSDrl

Any dissemination for commercial purposes of photographic or video images captured during the event, via any means (internet, social networks, TV, press, magazines, etc.), without written authorisation from the organisation is prohibited. GTC®, GTC100™, GTC55™, GTC30™, TORX®, TOR®, Tor des Géants®, Tor des Glaciers™, Passage au Malatrà™, Tot Dret™, TOR450™, TOR330™, TOR130™, TOR100™ and TOR30™ are trademarks owned or used exclusively by VDA Trailers. Any communication of the event or use of images of it must be done in observance of the name of the event and registered trademarks, subject to agreement by the organisation.

Valle d’Aosta Trailers SSDrl | Via Roma, 98 | 11013 Courmayeur | CF/P.IVA 01139360075 | Nr. Iscr. Reg. Imprese AOSTA AO-70629

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