GTC100, Registrations Sold Out

January 5th, 2024



You can still register to GTC55 and GTC30

Less than two months for registrations to GTC100 to go sold out, the race which assigns 100 PAX for TOR330 - Tor des Géants® 2025.

If you don't want to miss the opportunity to run around His Majesty the Mont-Blanc, you can still register to GTC55 (55 km and 3800 elevation gain) or GTC30 (30 km and 2000 m elevation gain). People are coming from nearly 40 Countries!

The races will be in Courmayeur between 12th and 14th July 2024.

Gran Trail Courmayeur, a story spanning more than ten years

GTC is the successor to the legendary Gran Trail Valdigne, the first high-altitude trail running race with a distance exceeding 80 kilometers entirely held on Italian territory.

Born in 2007 at the dawn of trail running, it immediately became a reference point internationally. Its success was built on a reliable organization and certainly amplified by the beauty of the landscapes.

The race organized by VDA Trailers is divided into three distances: 100, 55, and 30 kilometers (with positive elevation gains of 7,900, 3,800, and 2,000 meters, respectively), offering all runners the opportunity to measure themselves on challenging and exciting courses within their reach.

Regardless of the chosen challenge, Mont Blanc is indeed the most faithful companion of the athletes, who will run most of the time with the Roof of Europe in plain sight. Adding to the adrenaline are the paths that, while not presenting mountaineering sections, wind their way at high altitudes among snowfields, rocky terrain, cols, and rugged ridges that require attention and some familiarity with the mountains.

The Gran Trail Courmayeur 2022 is part of the TORX® EXPERIENCE circuit, a system of races united by the experience and values of TORX®, and provides 100 TOR330 bibs for GTC100 finishers, regardless of their position in the rankings.

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© 2009-2024 by VDA Trailers SSDrl

Any dissemination for commercial purposes of photographic or video images captured during the event, via any means (internet, social networks, TV, press, magazines, etc.), without written authorisation from the organisation is prohibited. GTC®, GTC100™, GTC55™, GTC30™, TORX®, TOR®, Tor des Géants®, Tor des Glaciers™, Passage au Malatrà™, Tot Dret™, TOR450™, TOR330™, TOR130™, TOR100™ and TOR30™ are trademarks owned or used exclusively by VDA Trailers. Any communication of the event or use of images of it must be done in observance of the name of the event and registered trademarks, subject to agreement by the organisation.

Valle d’Aosta Trailers SSDrl | Via Roma, 98 | 11013 Courmayeur | CF/P.IVA 01139360075 | Nr. Iscr. Reg. Imprese AOSTA AO-70629

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