Fenix, the game changer of mountain running

July 4, 2023



TORX Gold Sponsor

The first decade of 2000 was characterized by important technological innovations to satisfy the consumer world: the launch of the first and most iconic smartphone, car navigators and much more.

We were able to satisfy the needs of those who wanted to train in a more analytical ways, thanks to our first Forerunner series.

But at the same time as the popularity of flat running increased, between 2008 and 2010 disciplines began to spread: mountain running, trail running and ultra track.

It was precisely in that period that the first wrist product project dedicated to the mountain world at 360° began to be developed in the Garmin laboratories, which was perfect for orientation, which could guarantee a suitable and optimized degree of sturdiness for a particular environment such as the mountain, which guaranteed GPS signals passing under roofs of leaves full of water and therefore reflecting and in woods (at that time, a critical condition for old generation satellite receivers): we are talking about the Fenix series.

Fenix, launched in 2012, is a milestone in technology applied to the mountain environment

A rough product, perfect for running for hours and to rely on, not only to receive information on distances but also on altitudes.

This first version of Fenix was a resounding success and also contributed, in a small way, to the success of the disciplines practiced on paths and off road tracks.

Electronic Compass, an integrated high-sensitivity GPS, a large display and above all its steel case: a line also maintained in the models launched in subsequent years and which allowed fenix to become an iconic product.

Fenix is now at his 7 PRO version. An incredible device which is used for any type of sport, from the mountain to the city. For lovers of outdoor activities it is a must have, and for ultra trail athletes a tool at the service of their activity, with an increasingly large battery.

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