The Women of Tor des Glaciers

May 24, 2023



Run the Alps

The Tor des Glaciers is the longer, more challenging sibling of the already colossal Tor des Géants in the Italian Alps. At 450 kilometers (280 miles) and 32,000 meters (104,987 feet) of cumulative altitude gain, the Tor des Glaciers is the beast that beasts are scared of.

Of the three editions of Glaciers, there have been 124 finishers out of 356 starters. (A few participants ran and finished more than once.) And of those 124 finishers, 9 of them have been women.

Guendalina Sibona finishing the 2022 Tor450. (Photo: Johanna Flashman)

In an ideal world, we’d hope to see more women in those numbers, but as it is, we want to celebrate these badass women.

So who are these extraordinary women and what have their experiences been like?

Let’s find out their stories on Johanna Flashman’s article for Run The Alps.

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